Monday, May 23, 2011

Ballet dresses

These are 5 of 6 ballet dresses that I inherited at the last minute.  I stressed over getting them done in time for pictures, but there they are!!!!  The "official" photo shoot was last Saturday.  I still have a few odds and ends to tie up but for the most part I am done.  WooHoo!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Practice, practice, practice

Sewing elastics into leotards is time consuming and one would think not so much fun.  However, seeing the perfect tiny tucks in the fabric after you have sewn the final elastic in the garment is quite satisfying.  I have 4 tiny red leotards cut out and sewn together.  One of those tiny leos now has elastics in the neck, arm and leg holes. While I'm not happy with the sewing machine's performance (it *is over 30 years old so I give it some latitude), I am feeling quite accomplished at getting elastic to look good when married to fabric.  So just as it is with dancing and perfecting your tour jete's , so it is with sewing and perfecting those tiny details that give us pleasure and make the garment look well done.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I'm making dance costumes for this year's recital but right now I'm waiting (when am I not) for the funds to buy fabric.  I've got my patterns all copied (well almost) and ready to get started.  I think they will be cute.  I feel confident in my abilities and I just want to get the fabric and get them made!!!