Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The little things

I miss her hands..... they were generally always cold to the touch but they carried such love and warmth.  Of course the holidays bring her to mind because she loved her family more than anything.  Holidays were a time for her to bring everyone together under one roof.  A time that she could pour out her love in the form of turkey, lumpy gravy, fabulous pies and conversations that started from her heart.  I miss the way she bustled in her kitchen, worried that she didn't have "enough" (when in fact she could feed half the county).  There was always room at her table for one more..... or 3... or however many displaced people we brought.  I remember a Thanksgiving with over 30 people crammed into the living and dining rooms enjoying food, company and the unending supply of love and acceptance they found in my mother's house.

I miss her hands..... they were hard working hands, but softened with love.  They had raised children, soothed fevered brows, cooked and cleaned and held the hands of her children, grandchildren, friends, loved ones. The people whose lives she touched won't forget her, her family carries her in their hearts.  I can just imagine her in heaven's kitchen... planning on enough to feed the multitudes.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I wonder just what it is that I'm waiting for..... a sign from heaven?  I feel lost today, I feel alone everyday.  I really don't want to hurt anyone but I can't absorb my pain anymore.  Please show me the way off of this roller coaster.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Never go back

I've heard all my life that you can never go back.  Well who would want to?  When I think about going back home I don't expect it to be the same.  I'm not the same.  What I do expect is that people have grown and changed.  My little home town has changed.... and I see it differently now that I've had other life experiences.  I want to go forward from here.  I'd like to see change, be change.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sharing my house with 8 teenage girls.... nothing like a sleep-over!